By bringing the power of the Business Expert Press eLibrary to your members, you are unleashing them into an environment of constant learning on how to improve their day-to-day activities, from recent hires to C-Suite leadership. The BEP eLibrary is the ultimate resource for cutting-edge insights, analysis from worldwide experts, and authoritative content across a wide range of business disciplines. Contact us now for more information!

For the cost of less than two print books ($50), your members can access over 1,300 titles (grows every year by 80 titles) for an entire year using an online library that is easy to browse, easy to search, easy to read, and has the tools needed for finding and applying practical information. Our series contain expertly curated content, from entrepreneurship and marketing to management and finance, the library spans all key business sectors. In short, it provides your members the tools they need for both learning and professional development.

Members will enjoy 24/7 access anywhere in the world while they study at their own pace. With content updated regularly, they will always have the latest research, analysis, and insights to stay competitive in today’s rapidly evolving business environment.

Our Series

Accounting and Finance

Career, Professional, and Personal Development

Corporate Governance

Decision Sciences

Economics and Public Policy

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Management and Leadership

Marketing and Business Communications

Systems and Management Technology


  • Tied to certification costs/membership
    • Association receives 15% royalty for every new or re-subscribing member.
  • Association branded eLibrary
    • Association pays for member access. BEP co-brands the library with the association.
    • Association receives 20% discount on purchase no matter what size.
    • Pricing is based on association membership numbers.
  • Opt-in users
    • You place a link on your site and promote to members, we will give them the ability to purchase and gain access for $50 annually.
    • Association receives 10% royalty on every sign up.

Publish with Business Expert Press

We can publish proceedings as books/eBooks for sales & distribution. We can help you publish references and you share in the profits of every book (of every type) sold through our worldwide distribution network.

We can also work with you to create references, or study guides that people can use to prepare for certification exams. We see these not as “answer guides” but a body of knowledge that covers all of the important points they need to understand and perform well on the test. Publishing a “body of knowledge” allows the society/association to take control over the entire certification/membership process instead of pushing possible certificants to references published by other groups.

OR – if you are interested in sharing a legacy of knowledge via a book, come to us first!


Brent Beckley

Business Expert Press
Marketing | Business Development
[email protected]

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