Letting People Go: The People-Centered Approach to Firing and Laying Off Employees


If you manage people, you are probably responsible for firing them. And that’s not always an easy or pleasant task. This book sheds some muchneeded light on just how layoffs and firings can be and should be done right. So many companies mishandle terminations, resulting in lawsuits, mass employee exodus, theft, loss of productivity, brand destruction, and many other issues. This book addresses both layoffs and firings and describes how to perform them correctly. It also addresses the role leadership plays in terminations and teaches readers how to have tough conversations. While the target audience for this book may be human resource managers, it is also written for managers that direct people. You’ll benefit by learning how to avoid costly mistakes when terminating people and how to use properly executed terminations to your advantage. The author details such critical items as helping people let go, properly doing write-ups, following legal advice, choosing the right words, keeping theft control in mind, establishing golden parachutes, and performing professional exit interviews.


About the Author(s)

Matt Shlosberg

Matt Shlosberg received his MBA from the University of Maryland at College Park (Robert H. Smith School of Business) and has completed graduate- and executive-level training in leadership and executiv…

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Pub Date

January 4, 2011





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