SPeak Performance: Using the Power of Metaphors to Communicate Vision, Motivate People, and Lead Your Organization to Success


Every leader needs to move people to action and align everyone’s actions toward the same goal. But how is this best accomplished? Words are a leader’s greatest tool, and metaphors are the most potent combination of words available.
This book will provide you with communication tools that will take your leadership to the next level and beyond. Through the proper use of metaphors, anyone can become a better leader, align his or her team with their organizational values, and lead the organization to success. Metaphors activate vision and mission statements, enliven goals and objectives, and literally align every aspect of an organization in its intended direction.
The knowledge gained from the principles in this book will help leaders develop stronger vision and mission statements that are action oriented, and it will provide a schematic to organize goals and objectives that are relevant and focused on accomplishing the vision.


About the Author(s)

Jim Walz

Dr. Jim Walz is currently the Chair of the Department of Business and Management at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California. He holds a PhD in organizational leadership, an MBA in management, an…

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Pub Date

January 26, 2014





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