Corporate Relationship Management Strategy


This book is perfect for corporate leaders, marketing communication practitioners, and students who want to gain a deep understanding of effective relationship management.

It draws on research from business, organizational psychology, and communication whose insights it applies to practice through clear and practical examples. The chapters discuss the process of building and maintaining relationships via the consistent implementation of corporate values to ensure the stakeholders’ identification with the company.

The reader will explore relationship management with employees and consumers in local and international environments, in offline and online interactions, and in times of crises. Finally, the chapters represent a journey into the role that leadership styles, internal cultures, and social media play in relationship management.


About the Author(s)

Roxana Maiorescu

Roxana D. Maiorescu is a Professor of Marketing Communication at Emerson College, Boston. She specializes in communication management and social media.

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Pub Date

January 22, 2025





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