Feet to the Fire: How to Exemplify and Create the Accountability that Creates Great Companies


“Lorraine Moore is an insightful leader and executive coach who brings a wealth of knowledge to the table in Feet to the Fire. Her years of experience as a senior executive, mentor to CEO’s and leader of CEO Forums come alive in this important work that shares her insights and shared learning from a cross section of industries and industry leaders. Lorraine challenges leaders to hold themselves and their teams accountable both professionally and personally in the context of the ever elusive work life balance that is so frequently ill defined. I have found her impartial, thought provoking counsel to be an invaluable game changer.”—David Blodgett, President & Chief Executive Officer
“This book is a must read for both novice and experienced leaders who are looking for sophisticated practical information on how to lead powerfully. Unlike most books on leadership, Feet to the Fire does not provide a simple step-by-step “formula” for success but instead offers insightful information and suggestions for how leaders might think and behave more complexly. Informed by her many years of experience in leadership positions and her work with successful leaders Moore offers both pragmatic information and insightful analyses. Feet to the Fire has affirmed many things that are important in cultivating effective leadership and it also challenges some assumptions and habits of practice. This is the hallmark of a book that truly educates.”—Dennis Sumara, Professor and Dean, Werkliund School of Education,University of Calgary.


About the Author(s)

Lorraine A. Moore

Lorraine’s expertise and talents create unprecedented outcomes for organizations and individuals. A thought leader in strategic speed, innovation and executive performance, she is sought out to contri…

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Pub Date

November 21, 2016





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