How Creating Customer Value Makes You a Great Executive


Customer value is an overused and misunderstood term. Chris Ross said, “There’s a strong argument for changing the term ‘marketing’ and renaming it ‘value creation’.”
Companies fail to create value as well as they could because tools of customer value are not known. The author corrects this in simple steps by defining customer value, how it builds loyalty, market share, and profitability; and how customer value can be measured and created. This book also addresses managing steps such as a customer strategy, breaking silos, inter-departmental focus on the customer, measuring customer value added, circle of promises, customer-centric circles, bill of rights, total customer value management.
Remember, if you create value for others, they will create value for you!


About the Author(s)

Gautam Mahajan

Mr. Gautam Mahajan, president of Customer Value Foundation, is the leading global thought leader in total customer value management and value creation. He mentors the global Value Cre…

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Pub Date

October 30, 2017





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