Leadership in the Digital Age: Renaissance of the Renaissance Man


This is a book for anyone intrigued by the complexities of digital leadership that require a capability to constantly balance the routines of everyday business with the ability to innovate.
Finding the appropriate mix between the dichotomy stability—flexibility has been a delicate task that few, if any, corporations have properly managed to overcome. Why is that?

This conundrum becomes acute as businesses embark on digital transformations, an often-painful venture highlighting the deficiencies of traditional management styles but also agile methodologies. They deliver results that are far below initial expectations, provide half-baked digital solutions where potential commercial gains are poorly captured and leveraged, and, far too often, not even identified.

Mismatches between technologies, the man-machine (dis)connect, or organizational dysfunctionality are typically identified as root causes, but beneath them lurks a more scathing problem: an inadequate leadership. This inadequacy rests on a lack of holistic insights backed by well-rounded skills and sets of knowledge that are required to understand all aspects of a digital transformation, as well as its participants from employees to customers.

Thus, what is needed is a modern take of the Renaissance Man.

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About the Author(s)

Niklas Hageback

Niklas Hageback is a seasoned project manager/change leader with an expertise in agile methodologies. He has held regional executive management and project oversight roles at banks, including Credit S…

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Pub Date

October 16, 2020





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