New World Technologies: 2020 and Beyond


In today’s high-pressured world, digital transformation is everywhere on the agendas of corporate boards and has risen to the top of CEOs’ strategic plans. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, and drones are some of the emerging technologies that are already transforming our world. In this fast changing domain— predicted by few and now reality for all—how can companies transform today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities?
This book is targeted to help a broad audience such as students, professionals, business, and technology managers to transform an old-world brick and mortar organization to a new-world digital leader. The author addresses various questions including: what essential components does digital transformation include, and how does it impact the enterprise? How does convergence of emerging technologies benefit your organization? How can you start transformation and technology planning projects?


About the Author(s)

Errol S. van Engelen

Errol S. van Engelen is an author of management books. He is also a 35+ year IT and business development veteran at technology and consulting companies. While working in a full-time career, he complet…

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Pub Date

February 10, 2019





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