Quantum Cybersecurity Program Management


Quantum technology interest is accelerating for two key reasons: first, quantum technologies promise transformative capabilities. Indeed, quantum computing is seen as a strategic necessity by the world’s leading economies. Second, experts unanimously agree that a cryptographically-relevant quantum computer will have the capability to break classical encryption that keeps our data and transactions private. Thus, organizations are challenged to protect their most sensitive information data and systems before a cryptographically-relevant quantum computer is accessible to hackers despite already over-burdened cybersecurity teams.

Quantum Cybersecurity Program Management by Dr Greg Skulmoski and Dr Ashkan Memari is part of a series of books: Shields Up: Cybersecurity Project Management outlines a risk-based approach to cybersecurity project management including technology and process improvement projects. Cybersecurity Training: A Pathway to Readiness outlines best practices in training and instructional design to upskill the organization’s people. Quantum Cybersecurity builds upon Shields Up (technology and process) and Cybersecurity Training (people) to provide a program approach to deliver the diversity of quantum projects and initiatives organizations encounter.

The authors of Quantum Cybersecurity bring together best practices found in standards and frameworks in a risk-based approach to implementing a quantum program of projects. Tailored for quantum champions, IT security architects, business leaders, project managers, digital leadership, and board members, Quantum Cybersecurity offers actionable guidance. Urgent and early adopters will find a practical guide for a quick start to their quantum projects.


About the Author(s)

Greg Skulmoski

Gregory J. Skulmoski has had two career paths: an academic who leads the Project Innovation Management graduate program at Bond University and has been a technology project manager.

Ashkan Memari

Ashkan Memari, PhD, MEng, BEng, FHEA, is an academic and researcher at Central Queensland University in Australia, with international experience across the Middle East, South Asia, and Australia.

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Pub Date

January 27, 2025





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