Regression Analysis: Understanding and Building Business and Economic Models Using Excel, Second Edition


The technique of regression analysis is used so often in business and economics today that an understanding of its use is necessary for almost everyone engaged in the field. This book covers essential elements of building and understanding regression models in a business/economic context in an intuitive manner.
The book provides a non-theoretical treatment that is accessible to readers with even a limited statistical background. This book describes exactly how regression models are developed and evaluated. The data used in the book are the kind of data managers are faced with in the real world. The book provides instructions and screen shots for using Microsoft Excel to build business/economic regression models. Upon completion, the reader will be able to interpret the output of the regression models and evaluate the models for accuracy and shortcomings.


About the Author(s)

J. Holton Wilson

Dr. J. Holton Wilson Professor Emeritus in Marketing at Central Michigan University was the initial recipient of the Jerry and Felicia Campbell Endowed Professorship in the College of Business at Cent…

Barry P. Keating

Dr. Barry P. Keating is professor of business economics at the University of Notre Dame. He received a BBA (University of Notre Dame) an MA (Lehigh University), and PhD (University of Notre Dame). Pro…

Mary Beal-Hodges

Dr. Mary Beal earned her MS and PhD in economics from Florida State University following a BA in economics and a BA in physics from the University of Virginia. She is an instructor of economics at the…

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Pub Date

December 18, 2015





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