Risk and Win! A Simple Guide to Managing Risks in Small and Medium-Sized Organizations


If you think risk management is a bit of meaningless management-speak, this is the book for you. The world is full of risks and they all need managing. In fact, we all manage risks all the time whether well or badly. Every decision we make involves making some assessment of the risks involved. Risk management is simply an attempt at doing it more explicitly, scientifically and, hopefully, effectively.
In this book, readers will learn more about the whys and hows of risk management, and examples of how not to do it. I have tried to explain it in everyday language and show how it can be applied in a small business to your advantage.


About the Author(s)

John Harvey Murray

After studying economics and accountancy at Bristol University, John Harvey Murray worked in accountancy and audit in several types of local authority in England and Wales prior to becomi…

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Pub Date

April 18, 2018





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