The Illusion of Inclusion: Global Inclusion, Unconscious Bias and the Bottom Line


We may say we want to be inclusive, but what if we really don’t? What if our brains are hard-wired for selfishness and similarity and not for diversity and altruism? Having a diverse workforce is no guarantee that the work environment is inclusive. Companies hire for diversity and manage for similarity. We hire people for their difference and then teach them directly and indirectly what they have to do to fit in to the corporate culture.
The Illusion of Inclusion exposes a myriad of diverse reasons why people are not more fully engaged and offers you the key to unlock the “Geometry of Inclusion”. This book takes the lid off Pandora’s box and explores the complexity of inclusion; where affinity bias or “mini-me” syndrome and the need to fit in are unconsciously blocking our ability to be inclusive. It offers a road map and an easy to comprehend model on how to minimize the impact of unconscious and conscious biases in order to embed an inclusive organizational culture.


About the Author(s)

Helen Turnbull

Dr. Helen Turnbull is an internationally acknowledged thought leader in global inclusion and unconscious bias. She has four online tools on unconscious bias and inclusion—Cognizant, Blind Spot, the IS…

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Pub Date

August 25, 2016





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