The Lost Art of Planning Projects


Appropriate planning is the hallmark of professional project management. Good planning is what sets apart great projects from accidents. Purposeful planning is what ensures that the executive actions undertaken remain connected to the goals and outcomes expected by the stakeholders.
This book examines the process and products of planning, in the contexts of projects, programs, and portfolios. With a plan seen as a model, it looks at how the use of models in planning creates and extends the way in which project, program, and portfolio managers control and structure their environment. To tell this story, we have distilled over 70 years of our combined personal experience of supporting project managers deliver, and thousands of person-years of others’ practical knowledge to illustrate powerful planning tools, models, and approaches. There is also supplementary material and tools on a website associated with this book. We ho

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About the Author(s)

Louise M. Worsley

Louise Worsley has been a project management consultant, lecturer, and coach for nearly 30 years. She is a visiting lecturer at the University of Cape Town on the MSc in pr…

Christopher Worsley

Christopher Worsley has been the CEO of CITI Limited since 1991. CITI is a UK company dedicated to developing organizational and personal capabilities in project and program man…

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Pub Date

February 15, 2019





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